Financial Markets


Renowned roboticist Rodney Brooks has recently suggested that it's high time to reduce the hype surrounding generative AI. The MIT professor emeritus and co-founder of, a company focused on creating societally embedded and responsible AI systems, fired a clear shot against the inflated expectations of an AI-driven future.

Brooks believes that while generative AI has indeed made significant strides in technology, it would be myopic to consider it as a universally capable entity. In his argument, Brooks highlights the human tendency to perceive AI's performance on tasks through the prism of human-standard expectations, leading to an overestimation of its capabilities. He encourages a more measured approach to understand the scope and limitations of artificial intelligence, thereby allowing focused progression.

His thoughts shed light on a pervasive issue: the indiscreet application of AI. Brooks uses his own company,, as an example to illustrate that not all applications are suitable for AI. He is particularly against using a larger language model (LLM) to direct warehouse robots, explaining that a one-size-fits-all approach can undermine the complexities involved in robot handling. He warns against attempting to solve a wide range of problems with AI and instead endorses the idea of concentrating on specific, solvable tasks where robots can be smoothly integrated.

Further, while the utilization of LLMs in specific environments like domestic care might seem promising, Brooks understands the need to find solutions to other significant challenges such as control theory and optimization math before embracing AI on a massive scale.

Advancing the discussion on the pace of technological growth, Brooks points out the unhelpful belief, circulated in certain sectors, in the inevitability of exponential growth. He quite astutely argues that technological growth might not always follow the pattern suggested by Moore's Law—indicating that reality may often stand in contrast to prediction and planned progression.

Brooks advocates for making technology more user-friendly, trying to streamline the deployment of AI systems for purpose-built tasks and enabling a broader deployment scale. However, he also acknowledges the existence of outlier cases in AI that might take decades to solve, if at all. As such, Brooks is cautioning against treating AI as the panacea for all challenges, highlighting the importance of managed expectations and grounded applications.

In the unfolding narrative of AI, voices like Rodney Brooks serve as important checks and balances against irrational exuberance. By drawing our attention to the need for balance in our approach to AI advancements, Brooks gently nudges us towards a future where we make good use of the robust tool that artificial intelligence is poised to become, instead of carelessly expecting it to become the silver bullet answer for our every quandary.