Financial Markets


In a unique and arguably ambitious move, edutech startup Genius Group has inducted an AI infographic of the late computer scientist Alan Turing as its "Chief AI Officer." Best known for his groundbreaking work in AI and computer science, Turing's duplication was trained on his expertise and body of work, paired with pre-programmed knowledge of the company's strategic positioning and AI technology data.

While it's an interesting play blending history and technology, ringing reminiscent of the attention-grabbing stunts of the seizure-prone, over-speculative dot-com bubble epoch, many critics argue that Genius Group's new initiative is more style than substance.

This new development comes after a noticeable downward trend of Genius Group's shares since its initial public offering in 2022. The appointment of Turing's avatar, in this context, seems more like a desperate lurch to garner undeserved attention and stimulate stock upturn.

Our preliminary assessment of the AI Infographic chatbot, despite the hype, left much to be desired. Issues surfaced when the chatbot, despite being credited for authoring a company white paper, denied participation in its writing. It raises questions about the operational efficiency and productivity of AI in this form, leading us to question whether this is just a glorified and overpriced automated response system.

Further confirming these concerns, when asked if it could pass the 'Turing test'— a measurement of a machine’s ability to mirror human behavior, named after Alan Turing himself— the bot appeared unsure. For an AI programmed based on a genius who invented an important test of AI intelligence, this is a less than impressive performance.

Therefore, despite the much-publicized onboarding of the AI rendering of a famous genius as an executive officer, Genius Group's latest move seems more about crafting a media narrative rather than technical advances in the field of AI.

Ultimately, the future impact of this approach remains uncertain. On the surface, it appears to be a corporate publicity stunt rather than a pioneering breakthrough in AI development. If Genius Group's end goal is to create an intuitively reflective and technically adept infographic system that significantly impacts the landscape of AI, they might need to refine their prototype. Otherwise, they risk being remembered as yet another edutech firm that attempted to create unnecessary hype amidst diminishing shares, resorting to gimmicks to save face.

The world stands to watch Genius Group's next step, with stakeholders surely hoping that the future unfolds more substance behind the stylish façade. Until then, the jury on holographic corporate strategy remains out, leaving us all questioning the merit of Genius Group's latest 'genius' move. Whether Alan Turing's AI avatar will impact the future of AI in corporate leadership or merely remain another case of wasted Silicon Valley theatrics, only time will tell.

Whether these digitized personalities can truly imprint Alan Turing's intelligence into an AI bot, and whether chatbots like these can successfully occupy executive suites, will determine the future not just for Genius Group, but for the broader AI field as well.